The Receiving End of Sirens – Break up
Die Experimentelle Punk Band The Receiving End of Sirens aus Boston hat sich nun für eine Auflösung entschieden. Die Band wird noch zwei Konzerte spielen und sich damit dann verabschieden. Der TREOS Sänger und Bassist Brendan Brown hat im Blog der Band eine lange Erklärung gepostet, hier ein kleiner Auszug:
„I, Brendan, must admit that I am the main reason why TREOS is ending. My choice to no longer continue on with The Receiving End of Sirens has nothing to do with a lack of love for my band, and/or band members. It has nothing to do with a lack of passion for our music, or any music for that matter. My decision is due mostly in part to a huge rearranging of priorities in my life, and the unquestionable responsibility that comes along with becoming a father. January 15th my wife and I welcomed Parker Brown, our first child, into the world. Since then everything has changed. The happiness and joy I gained from being part of this band can’t ever be taken away from me, but to be honest, I have lived a long time thinking that specific joy was as good as it got. Since Parker’s birth I have realized my joy is a great thing, in and of itself, but the happiness I receive from his happiness is exponentially greater than anything I could muster on my own. The thought of leaving him to tour for months at a time is something I just can’t stomach. I can’t stand to miss another thing. I realize how important I am to my band, and how important our band is to some people, but I am far more elemental in the growth and happiness of my child, than I am anything else in this world.“
Hier die Beiden verbleibenden Finalen Shows:
- 02.05.2008 – Lupos – Providence, RI
- 04.05.2008 – The Bamboozle – East Rutherford, NJ